Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why Should I Bother

Am I here for myself
or here for another?
Why should I help,
why should I bother?

It's not like I'll get paid
there's no profit for me.
At least not on the surface,
there's just nothing to see.

So why would I do this,
give to others with needs?
They're not pleasant like flowers,
they seem more like the weeds.

Homeless and dirty,
sometimes they stink.
But are they really so different
or is this just how we think.

For the most part they're hungry
often not of their faults.
Our economies failed them
hoarding riches in vaults.

So what are they supposed to do,
die of starvation?
It's not really that hard
to aid their bodies salvation.

But where's our return
just what do we get.
Actually it's a feeling inside
that you'll never regret.

It's their thanks, their smiles
their appreciation for what you've done.
It will touch you down deep.
A feeling that can't be undone.

This feeling we'll have
when we've helped one another
will convince us our aid
has been well worth the bother.

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