Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hey, It's The First

There's something today
that folks just don't understand,
the idea of free speech
and how it affects common man

Folks believe it protects them
to say what they please
“Hey it's the first amendment
and that's what it guarantees”

They believe it pertains
to their every day life
and that saying whatever they will
ought not bring them no strife

“My boss he can't fire me
my neighbor can't sue
I can say what I want
and that's just what I'll do”

Wake up, the first amendment
it ain't speaking to you
it limits the government
with what they can't do

It's the government folks
they cannot make a law
that abridges your speech
not about a work place blah blah

It has nothing to do
with the employer you have
so if what you say is out of line
you just might need a salve

You can be fired for cause
whether you like it or not
their reputations at stake
you can't put them on the spot

But if you feel it's been wrongful
to the courts you can go
just don't scream first amendment
as it just isn't so

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