Thursday, April 24, 2014

They're Coming To America

They came in droves
unto the coves
of this place
known as turtle island

Welcomed they were
by those who wore fur
these folks had helped them survive
their first winter

Space soon became cramped
where they had first encamped
these new people
now had need to spread out

But the natives had need
of these lands they did seed
their crop important
this was their home their very lives

The white men with his gun
though had not come for fun
he was determined
to make this land his

Move over he cried
indigenous died
when more Europeans
moved in and took over

Then across this great land
he did increase his span
pushing the natives
further toward becoming no more

Now it's today
many have forgotten the way
their ancestors
arrived on this land

How for freedom they came
giving this land new acclaim
as the home
of the free and the brave

Now things are different
as we seem so indifferent
to others
who wish to be free

Today we're obsessed
to keep them oppressed
I guess we've forgotten
of who we once were

We tell them “get lost”
“we'll not pay the cost”
we tell them
there just isn't room

It seems we no longer care
no longer a people who share
how the hell did we get here
causing so much despair

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